Mon, Aug 24
|Women Who Lead Connect Facebook Group
Join in on the prizes, activities, Pop-Up Events and discounts as we celebrate our 2 year Anniversary!

Time & Location
Aug 24, 2020, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT
Women Who Lead Connect Facebook Group
About the Event
Women Who Lead, we are celebratng our 2 Year Annivesary, ALL WEEK, EVERY DAY, with prizes, surprises, discounts and pop-up events! If you want to win, join in and participate!
Check Out the list below of activities and events that are occuring each day, find the one that best serves you in fun and in business and sign-up to participate!
JOIN OUR Facebook Group "WOMEN WHO LEAD CONNECT" to be an Official Participant (some activites require you to be in our FB Group to maximize your wins!)
We are putting your leadership skills to the test, so give your best!
We are celebrate members, top conversation starters in the group, the person who had the most invites; sharing WWLC Memorable moments, etc.
FYI: 45% Discount for Tuesday MasterClass is being offered Now! (must join the group to get the discount)
Tuesday: MASTERCLASS 8PM via Zoom (Only to our FB WWLC Group Women (join the group now, then register!)- for anniversary week we will give you the price of the vision Leader discount of $55 that’s 45% off) Sign-Up Today!
Wednesday - GET YOUR FREEBIE! Invite 10 women to the group and you’ll win my List of 8 keys to building your brand with confidence that comes from my 8 week course that produced results in women leaders business that now has their brand in front of international audiences. Whomever, has the most confirmed invites in the group will win all 8-Week Audibles of the course valued at ($1000)
Thursday- WIN 2 BOOKs & 1 Business Training For FREE!
Become An Official Member (Vision Leader or Master Leader in WWLC) & be gifted 2 books for Free! Believe You Can, Defiant Woman or Breaking The Code of Silence, Now! Plus 1 Free Training of this year (valued at $140)
Friday- Pop-Up Swamp-0-Rama (Network, Sell, Connect! )PopUp Swap-A-Roma! Go Live in Our WWLC FB Group. Advertise your products and services and! Fill in time slots. Invite guests. If you have a flyer, we will post on our social media outlets/Newsletter $1 Virtual Booth Fee!
Saturday: WIN A FREE MEMBERSHIP Pop/Up “Leader Talk” (Ted Talk Rendition) 1:00 PM EDT
It's a Virtual Competition for Leaders. Will you dare to share your voice, expertise, lessons, empowerment etc. The cost will be $25 and the winner will win 1 year FREE Membership for WWLC (As leaders we have always be ready!) Are you ready!
Sunday - MORNING PRAYER for Leaders 8:00 AM EDT Join for Morning Prayer with Women Who Lead at 8AM - Where we will Prayer for each other, over our businesses, for our purpose, aligned relationships & partnerships,
Enlargement of territories, etc. Then at 12PM join us as guests for Church Online with Sha’Meca Latai’
Here's Your 45% Discount! MASTERCLASS 8PM via Zoom (Only to our FB WWLC Group Women (join the group now, then register!)- for anniversary week we will give you the price of the vision Leader discount of $55 that’s 45% off)
Wednesday - GET YOUR FREEBIE! Invite 10 women to the group and you’ll win my List of 8 keys to building your brand with confidence that comes from my 8 week course that produced results in women leaders business that now has their brand in front of international audiences. Whomever, has the most confirmed invites in the group will win all 8-Week Audibles of the course valued at ($1000)
$0.00Sale endedTHURSDAY - WIN 3 Gifts (FREE)
Thursday- WIN 2 BOOKs & 1 Business Training For FREE! Become An Official Member (Vision Leader or Master Leader in WWLC) & be gifted 2 books for Free! Believe You Can, Defiant Woman or Breaking The Code of Silence, Now! Plus 1 Free Training of this year (valued at $140)
$0.00Sale endedFRIDAY - Pop-UP Swanp-O-Rama
Friday- Pop-Up Swamp-0-Rama (Network, Sell, Connect! ) PopUp Swap-A-Roma! Go Live in Our WWLC FB Group. Advertise your products and services and! Fill in time slots. Invite guests. If you have a flyer, we will post on our social media outlets/Newsletter $1 Virtual Booth Fee!
$1.00+$0.03 service feeSale endedSATURDAY - Leader Talk
Saturday: WIN A FREE MEMBERSHIP Pop/Up “Leader Talk” (Ted Talk Rendition) 1:00 PM EDTIt's a Virtual Competition for Leaders. Will you dare to share your voice, expertise, lessons, empowerment etc. The cost will be $25 and the winner will win 1 year FREE Membership for WWLC (As leaders we have always be ready!) Are you ready!
$25.00+$0.63 service feeSale endedSUNDAY-MORNING PRAYER (FREE)
Sunday - MORNING PRAYER for Leaders 8:00 AM EDT Join for Morning Prayer with Women Who Lead at 8AM - Where we will Prayer for each other, over our businesses, for our purpose, aligned relationships & partnerships, enlargement of territories, etc. Then at 12PM join us as guests for Church Online with Sha’Meca Latai’
$0.00Sale ended